Information about the “Hotspot at Home” Program
The Wisconsin Rapids Area Middle School’s Hotspot at Home Program provides a limited number of free wireless hotspot devices to students who do not have Internet access at home. The program enables students to “check out” a Kajeet (a hotspot device that provides wireless Internet service) overnight. The hotspot device and monthly service fees are fully paid by Wisconsin Rapids Area Middle School. The program is intended to help WRAMS students access online resources at home to help bridge the digital divide and ensure educational equity
Service Provided by Hotspots
In addition to the filtering service provided through a student's school Google account, the wireless service provided through the hotspot devices is filtered as well. These wireless devices are scheduled so that they cannot be used between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Students are limited to checking out one Chromebook and one wireless device per household, but these devices may be signed out repeatedly throughout the year.
Checking Out a Hotspot Kit
Check out a Kajeet Home Hotspot device from the school's Library Media Center. You can keep it overnight. The hotspot must be returned the following day before first period unless other arrangements have been made with the Library Media Center
To see how easy it is to set up the Kajeet SmartSpot 900, watch the video below. Your student(s) will be online in no time.