Policies and procedures do NOT reflect updates due to Covid. Please contact the office if you have any questions
Working together with home and community we are dedicated to providing the best education for every student, enabling each to be a thoughtful, responsible, contributor to a changing world.
• Each student is the first consideration of the educational process
• All students can learn
• Learning is a life-long process.
• All students should become effective citizens of the community, state, nation, and the world.
• Meaningful home, school and community involvement is vital to continuous improvement
The Wisconsin Rapids Public School district does not discriminate against pupils on the basis of sex, race, religion, national ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability or handicap….
A great deal of valuable information is included in this handbook. Please review the material with your children and keep the handbook for future reference.
An informed parent can be one of our most valuable assets as we work with your children. Because informed citizens contribute most significantly to sound educational progress, I invite you to visit your school, volunteer your time and talents, and confer with the teachers and myself. Call us whenever questions arise concerning the school program or procedures. The school telephone number is 715-424-6793 Ext. 2800.
The comfort and safety of our students is foremost in our minds. Because of this, we require all visitors to the WRPS buildings to report immediately to the office and follow the security measures. This will help us to know who each individual in our building is.
Bill Oswald, Principal
Woodside is an elementary building containing three classrooms in most grade levels and serves approximately 405 students. We offer classes for students in 4-Year-Old Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. We are fortunate enough to offer programs for students with special needs in the area of learning disabilities, cognitive disabilities, speech and language, hearing, vision, communication disabilities, autism, physical therapy and occupational therapy. Approximately 70 staff members work within the building during the course of a regular school day.
Students have an opportunity to participate in the ABLE Learner program. This program offers students who demonstrate an unusual talent in academics or fine arts area an opportunity to address their educational needs through a modified educational plan. This plan is developed jointly between the ABLE Learner Coordinate, the student, the parents and the principal. Identification and determination for participation is required.
Regular attendance at school is extremely important if a student is to achieve the skills necessary to be successful in life. Parents are required to call the school office (715-424-6793) whenever their child will be absent. Messages can be left on the school’s answering system if office personnel are not available. If you do not have a phone, a written note is required the day that your child returns to school. We encourage parents to schedule doctor’s appointments during times of the day when they will not conflict with regular school hours or on staff development days when students are not in classes. We understand that this is not always possible, so please call whenever you need to have your child removed from class for an appointment.
If a child demonstrates patterns of “unexcused absences,” you are encouraging your child to place a lower priority on a quality education. Students in Wisconsin are permitted only five unexcused absences prior to starting the state mandated truancy process. Illness will be counted as an “excused absence” only if a phone call or note is received at the time of the absence. To help your child reach their fullest potential, please schedule vacations and appointments around days when your child will not be missing school.
Woodside Elementary uses an automated hot lunch system. This system allows parents to purchase hot lunches, milk, or juice, without requiring the student to carry an actual ticket through the lunch line. Parents may deposit funds into their children’s hot lunch accounts in any amount that they choose. This system will deduct the cost of the meal or drink from their account and will be used to inform the parents when the balance of their child’s account is running down. All of the paperwork required by the government will be handled by this system as well. Not only is this a convenience for parents who wish to have an accurate record of their hot lunch transactions, but also greatly reduces the amount of staff time needed to operate the hot lunch program. Low balance letters will be sent home once a week. If you have questions, call the school office. Thank you.
If bad weather during the night makes it impossible for buses to run in the morning, the following procedure will be used:
Announcements will be made on WFHR, WWRW, and WSPT by 6:30 a.m. or shortly after and continue until 9:00 a.m. “All schools in the Wisconsin Rapids District, both parochial and public, will be closed today – no buses will run.”
If bad weather develops during the morning while school is in session, or other issues cause a need for an early school closure, contact regarding the early dismissal will be made to local media outlets and posted to the WRPS webpage by 10:00 a.m. advising parents that their children will be sent home early.
1. Lunches will be served before the students are dismissed.
2. Buses will run according to the following schedule;
Elementary Schools - 1:00 p.m.
Wisconsin Rapids Area Middle School - 12:00 p.m.
Assumption High School - 12:10 p.m.
Lincoln High School - 12:20 p.m.
River Cities High School - A.M. session - 11:00 p.m.
afternoon and evening sessions will be canceled
Early education unit afternoon sessions will be canceled
Four-Year-Old Morning Kindergarten sessions - 10:45 a.m.
afternoon sessions will be canceled
3. All students, including walkers, are to be dismissed at the designated bus pick-up time.
Announcement of early dismissal will be made on WFHR, WWRW, and WSPT by 11:00 a.m. Do not call the elementary office to find out if school is being cancelled or if it might be let out early. The office will be busy taking care of the needs of the students and may not be available. Please listen to the radio. Discuss with your child the procedure they are to follow if no one is home upon their arrival. During times of extreme weather or emergency situations school may be dismissed before the regular dismissal time. You and your child, as well as the school, will feel more at ease if you have a planned procedure to follow. Calling the office, late in the morning when a weather emergency exists, could result in the messages not being received in time.
The district established a fee for Books and Materials. The fee is $20 for elementary aged students in (K-5). This fee will help support the district’s purchase of consumable workbooks, supplies, and other instructional items used by elementary students. The fee is payable to WRPS. Information on how to pay this fee can be found in the registration materials packet that is given to all students at the start of the school year. Please note: this fee, if left unpaid, will accumulate from year-to-year.
If your child normally rides a bus, and you wish to have them be picked up instead, please contact the office at 715-424-6793 prior to 2:30 p.m. Because of the end of the day activities that occur in the office, we can not guarantee that messages left after that time will get to the students before they are placed on a bus.
A Child Study Team (CST) is created whenever a student is demonstrating an academic, social, or behavioral concern at school. The purpose of the CST is to assist the teacher in recognizing the problem and developing techniques that will allow the student to assist in correcting the problem. The CST includes those school personnel who work closely with your child an may also include; the school guidance counselor, the building administrator, and the school psychologist. The team can be created at the request of any of the school personnel, or the child’s parents. Regular meetings of the team will be held to determine the success of the teacher’s plan of action, and of the need for intervention though the special education programs and personnel.
It is each student’s responsibility to display qualities of good citizenship. Your best conduct is expected in the halls, in the cafeteria, on the playground, in the classroom, and when leaving the school grounds. Woodside School teachers want our students to become good citizens. Expect teachers to compliment you on good deeds, but also to remind you of your mistakes. Obedience to law, respect for your country’s flag, appreciation of the Constitution of the United States, respect for parents and home are characteristics desired and expected of all our students. Respect other people’s property as you would wish all to respect your property.
Students are not permitted to carry or have access to any two-way communication device while on school property. Students may not use, or have possession of electronic pagers, cellular phones, walkie-talkies, or any other two-way communicator. Students who require access to a telephone may use the telephones that are provided in the office area. Students who violate this policy will be dealt with in accordance with established procedures.
The WRPS Human Growth and Development program is outlined in the Parent Handbook on Human Growth and Development. This handbook is given to every parent when their child enters the kindergarten program or upon their entrance into the school district from another school system. This handbook outlines the program and the procedure that needs to be followed should a parent determine that their child would not participate in this program. Teachers will provide each parent with an outline of the program taught at their grade level during the course of the school year, but prior to any specific instruction of these objectives.
Although the home and family carries the primary responsibility for providing for the health of the child, your school contributes to the healthy development and total health education of your child in the following ways:
1. Maintains maximum health conditions
2. Regular inspection for symptoms of illness and communicable diseases
3. Continuous observation of the child’s health
4. Regular health instruction to children by the teachers and specialists
Your child will have homework. There are several reasons for this homework:
1. to provide extra practice on learned skills
2. to provide further learning in areas covered in the classroom
3. to provide an opportunity of students to learn good work habits
4. to provide an opportunity for growth in responsibility
5. to provide you with an opportunity to see what your child is studying and how well he/she is doing
We think learning is important and the learning should continue after school hours. The daily homework in no way is to be viewed as punishment, but rather as a way for encouraging and extending learning. Amounts should never exceed 30 minutes in the primary and 60 minutes in upper elementary. Every child should read a minimum of fifteen minutes each (and every) night.
Requests from homework should be made as early in the day as possible. Homework can be picked up in the school office after 3:00 p.m. This will give us time to get in touch with each of the teachers and to allow them to accumulate the missing work. Please be aware that a student will miss much more from their absence than can be made up through homework.
Parents are asked to provide the names and phone numbers of individuals who have the authority to pick up ill or injured children in situations where parents can not be reached. In cases or emergency, every effort will be made to reach the parents. If contact cannot be made, the principal will take the responsibility to see professional help. In case a child becomes ill or injured, it is the parents’ responsibility to transport the child home as soon as possible.
Kindergarten: |
11:05 am– 11:55 |
Grade 1: |
11:15 am-11:55 |
Grades (2 & 3): |
11:35 am– 12:25 |
Grades (4 & 5): |
12:00 pm– 12:45 |
Daily |
$2.05 |
Weekly |
$10.25 |
Breakfast |
$1.25 |
Adult lunch |
$3.25 |
A milk program is offered to all students. Payment is made at the beginning of each semester. Milk is provided during a break in either the morning or the afternoon within the child’s class. The students and the teacher determine the time of the break within their classroom. This program is not part of the district’s hot lunch program and must be paid for outside of the hot lunch program.
Our most effective way of communicating progress to parents is through our scheduled parent-teacher conferences that are held throughout the school year. We encourage parents of children who give them a concern because of academic progress, or behavioral difficulties, to receive more frequent conferences with teachers.
Parents are encouraged to initiate conferences with the teacher should they have any concerns regarding their child’s progress. We urge you to do this as early as possible to correct a situation before it becomes a serious problem. Progress reports will be distributed at the end of each reporting period.
The purpose of the PTO is to:
Enrich the lives of all students.
Support school staff and assist in efforts to solve school needs through volunteering and funding.
Encourage pride in school (Woodside and WRPS) throughout community.
The PTO is a social and service organization with programs and educational opportunities pertaining to the interest of Woodside Elementary School. The PTO shall not seek to direct the administrative activities of the school or control its policies and practices. The organization is responsible for the Book Fair, Family Fun Fest, Winter Wonderland Shop, staff appreciation events, and assigning volunteers to help throughout the year at functions such as room parents, popcorn Fridays, and fundraisers. The support and involvement of our PTO is vital to the success of our school.
Throughout the years, funds raised have been used to purchase the following items; chromebooks, sound systems, laminators and supplies, playground replacement equipment, school signs, landscaping, outdoor classroom, and many other items.
PTO offers all parents an opportunity to get involved in whatever way you feel comfortable. Your assistance may be in only one event or it may be in a yearlong project. The important thing about PTO is that it takes everyone doing what they can to help. If we each offer the talents and time that we have available, Woodside will be even more successful.
Children are not permitted to bring medicine to school or take medicine orally while at school unless written permission by the physician and a parent is on file in the school office. A medication form is required and is available in the school office for your use. All medications (prescriptions and non-prescription) must be distributed through the office unless specific authorization by the doctor (and the approval of the school nurse) is given. Please contact the school nurse at 715-424-6793.
Little Things Do Count:
Often times it is the little things that count in helping a child develop a positive self-concept, and sometimes it’s also the little things that make a child have a lesser self-concept.
With this in mind, we would like to request that when students bring invitations for private parties to school, one be given to each child in the class. If all students in a class are not invited, please see that invitations are mailed or delivered to the homes directly, not at school.
Additionally, please know whole-class birthday treats are welcome. We discourage individual balloons, flowers, gifts etc. as they are a distraction for all students. Any celebration items, other than whole-class treats, for students will be delivered at the end of the day regardless of the time they arrive at school.
The release of students during the school day will be handled through the office. Parents are encouraged to call the office in the morning of the day that the child is to be released, before 2:30 pm. Parents are to check into the office upon their arrival. The student will be released to the parent in the office. For safety reasons, students will not be allowed to wait outside the building or exit the building without parent supervision.
To register children for 4K-5th grade, please visit the Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools Enrollment Center, located at 311 Lincoln Street, Wisconsin Rapids.
The office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
For each child being registered, you MUST have the following;
- Child's certified birth certificate, Baptismal certificate, Passport, OR Immigration certificate
- Immunization record
Registration forms can be found at www.wrps.net under Parents - Registration/Enrollment
All children will participate in short recess periods throughout the day. Time and frequency is dependent on the grade level of the student. This opportunity gives students a very necessary change of pace, which should enable them to be more productive in the classroom. Recess is also a vital part of the development of a healthy body.
Normally, students who are too ill to take part in recess are too ill to be in school. If your child is ill and you are requesting that he/she not participate in recess, please do so in written form. This will be accepted for two days. On the third day, we will require a physician’s statement. This is true for participation in the physical education classes as well.
The WRPS operate under a student code of conduct procedure. Students and staff are informed of the classroom rules and expectations during the first week of the school year. These rules are developed jointly between the teacher and the students, and are posted in each of the classrooms. When a student’s behavior has escalated to where it disturbs the learning that is going on in the class, the teacher may remove the student from the class. Depending on the incident involved, the student may be removed for the duration of the class period, or for the entire day. Parent contact by the classroom teacher is required in either incident.
The staff seriously accepts the responsibility of your child’s health and welfare. We believe that our school, in order to be successful, has to have certain rules and policies and that these should be enforced.
Dangerous games, and toys are not allowed at school. Rules do not allow hardballs, fighting, stone throwing, tackle football, King of the Hill, Crack the Whip, chicken fighting, or any other activity that endangers the safety of the students or staff.
Skateboards, roller blades, or roller skates are not permitted on school district property at anytime. Knives, guns, squirt guns, ammunition, firecrackers, or other dangerous items are not permitted on school property. Playground equipment is made available for the students to use, so no toys or equipment should be brought to school from home.
If a child misbehaves in the cafeteria, every effort is made by the staff working with the child to improve the behavior.
If the behavior does not improve, the parents will be notified and further disciplinary action will result. Gum and candy during the regular school day in not necessary and is not permitted without the approval of the classroom teacher. If that is given, the candy must remain within that classroom. Glass container should not be sent to school as a part of the student’s cold lunch.
School bus transportation is a privilege that may be withdrawn for inappropriate behavior. All students receive the bus regulations as a part of their first day of school registration materials. We ask that the parents review these rules and discuss them with their children.
All bus students are to ride the bus that they are assigned to. Any emergency request to ride a different bus must be made in writing by the parent and submitted to the office. Students will be discharged only at school, home, and locations requested in writing by the parent. Students who are not assigned bus transportation can not ride the bus. Students must comply with the bus rules and regulations.
Parents – Please Note: If your student is a regular bus rider, and you wish him/her to not ride the bus on a given day. That request must be made in writing, or the office must have received a phone call request prior to 2:30 p.m. If no note or call has been received, your child will be placed onto his/her regular bus and sent home. We will not rely on verbal messages from the students.
Students who ride bicycles to school are to park them in the bike racks. Bicycles are not to be ridden during the school day except as transportation of those students leaving early with the permission of the principal. Bicycles are to be removed from the racks only upon leaving school. The school is not responsible for any lost or damaged bikes on school property. All bikes should be locked when parked in the racks. The bicycle rack is off limits to students during the school day. Park the bicycle and leave the area after you arrive. Students must not ride their bikes on school property (for the safety of the other students). All bikes are to be walked upon entering the school property. Skateboards, Roller Blades, and Roller Skates are not permitted on school property.
Once students arrive at school they may not leave the premises without the permission of the building principal. This is for the safety of our students.
Doors officially open at Woodside School for students at 8:35 a.m. Classes start at 8:40. Students are not to be dropped off at the school prior to 8:20 a.m. No supervision will take place until 8:20 a.m. Students will remain outside of the building until the 8:35 bell. The students who ride buses will be dismissed at 3:35 p.m. Buses and non-bus riding students will leave at 3:40 p.m.
8:00 – 8:30 a.m. is considered preparation time for teachers. Children are allowed to enter the building earlier only during inclement weather, but supervision is limited. Parents are asked to make arrangement to have your child arrive at school no earlier than 8:20 a.m. if they do not ride a bus.
Designated officials may have access to student lockers when evidence suggests that the welfare of students and other personnel may be threatened. The decision to search a locker shall be made by the building principal or his designee, and shall be done with at least one witness. Students may not place any locking device onto their locker, unless it is issued by the school district for that purpose. Removal of all unapproved locking systems will be done without the approval of the student assigned to the locker.
WRPS has a clear and concise policy that details the contents and process for the dissemination of your child’s school records. This policy is available in its complete form by contacting the school office and making a request. A summary of this policy is contained below.
Student records include all records relating to individual students, regardless of format, other than notes or records maintained for personal use by teachers or other certified personnel. These include student progress records, behavioral records, directory information, and health records. All student record are kept confidential with the following exceptions:
- A student or his parent/guardian shall, upon request be shown and provided with a copy of the students progress records.
- An adult student or the parent guardian shall be shown in the presence of a qualified person the student’s behavioral records.
- A judge of any court shall upon request be provided with a copy of all progress records of a student who is the subject of any court proceeding.
A law enforcement agency shall be provided a copy if the agency certifies in writing that the student is under investigation for truancy or for a criminal or delinquent act.
Students may be excused from a classroom activity or from portions of the established course of instruction where the instructional content would violate the child’s religious beliefs. Students may be required to complete an alternative assignment or course of instruction to meet course requirements.
A “Successful” student:
- Brings notebook, paper, pen or pencil, and other materials necessary to class.
- Is an active participant in the classroom listen well and takes part in discussions.
- Asks questions if he/she doesn’t understand the discussion or if he/she have a problem.
- Plans his/her work schedule times for homework each day, and makes sure he/she understands the assignments before leaving the class.
- Strives to do his/her best, not just enough to get by.
The style and manner in which a student dresses while attending school shall be the primary responsibility of the parent. Parental discretion shall be the major criteria for student dress. Woodside maintains the right to impose restrictions on dress for the following reasons:
- If the style of dress or grooming is disruptive. “Hair paint”, or hair coloring, and/or excessive make-up, or face art is not allowed. Students need time to grow up.
- If the style of dress or grooming is detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the student or others.
- If the apparel causes physical damage to the school building.
- Shoe boots with heavy black soles will not be allowed in the building, due to the marks they leave on the floors.
- Logos or slogans that promote the use of, or advertise alcohol/drugs, or which use inappropriate language or violence will not be permitted.
- Mesh clothing, which is of such a dimension as to expose the body, will not be permitted.
- Shirts, which do not come to the belittling, will not be permitted.
- Hats will not be worn in the building unless approved by the office.
- Shorts or skirts should be of an appropriate length so as to not cause a disturbance in the classroom or on the playground.
A student drop-off and pick-up area is located off the Two Mile Avenue parking lot. The circular drive area is to be used only for dropping off or picking up students. Parents are asked to not leave cars unattended in this area as it compromises the safety of students who are then forced to walk between parked cars. If parents are entering the building with their child, they are asked to park their car in the parking area, not in the drop-off area.
The parking lot on the north side of the building is for bus loading and staff parking only. At no time, is this area to be used by parents to drop-off or to pick-up students. Doing so compromises the safety of the students who are forced to walk between buses and parked cars. All parents are asked to use the drop-off site located off of Two Mile Avenue.
Please help us to maintain a safe environment around the student pick-up areas by not encouraging your child to cross over to the parking area without your supervision.
Parents/Guardians are not only welcome, but are encouraged to visit school and to participate in their child’s educational program. This may include assisting in their child’s classroom or in one of the numerous other programs that are offered in the school. Parents are asked to make prior arrangements with the classroom teacher, prior to showing up without notice. Be sure to bring a state issued ID with you on the day of your visit and register in the office. Regardless of your interests or talents, we can find a position that will benefit our students and will be enjoyable for you. Outside doors are locked at 8:40 a.m. for the protection of our students. Please use the main entrance near the office. All visitors are to check in the office upon their arrival and departure.
Student visitors of elementary age are discouraged from attending without direct supervision from their parent or guardian. We ask that only students who are registered with the WRPS attend our classes. Guests from other districts or young relatives can disrupt the classroom learning process and take up valuable teacher and student time. Because of this, if approved, we require that an adult attend with these guests and be responsible for the supervision of these children.
Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools (WRPS) is pleased to announce that we will begin using the Raptor Visitor Management System in all of our schools to build on the District’s program of campus safety for students and faculty. Knowing who is in our buildings throughout the course of the day is a key factor in building security. The Raptor system will enhance our ability to track visitors, contractors, and volunteers in our schools.
Upon entering a district building, visitors will be asked to present a valid state-issued ID which will be scanned into the system. The Raptor system will then check to ensure that the ID does not match up with any registered sexual offenders in a national registry. It is important to note that the Raptor system only scans the visitor's name, date of birth, and photo for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. Additional visitor data from the driver's license is not collected nor is the system connected to any other system such as the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Therefore, any other information listed on the ID is not scanned by the system or used during the visitor registration process. Once the school office has approved of the visitor, a temporary badge will be issued for use on the day of the visit. Visitors who have been identified as a sex offender will be denied access to the school. Individuals who do not have an ID to produce upon arrival may still be allowed in the building, but will require escort by a school staff member.
Please understand that it will not be necessary to scan your ID or obtain a visitor’s badge if you are stopping in to simply drop off an item, pick something up in the office, and/or drop off or pick up your child. Screening via the Raptor system is intended to be used for visitors who will be moving beyond the office into classrooms or other areas of the building for a variety of pre-approved reasons (e.g., volunteering in classrooms, reading to students, etc.).
If you have any questions about the system and its use in your child’s school, please contact the building principal.
The safety of our students and staff is our highest priority, and the Raptor visitor management system provides another layer of security and consistency when screening visitors on a daily basis. Therefore, starting with the 2019-20 school year, all visitors to WRPS facilities are required to be scanned into the system and obtain a visitor badge. Thank you in advance for your understanding and support of these initiatives to enhance school safety protocols in our district.