Lincoln High School is a grade 9-12 comprehensive high school where we are preparing all students for college readiness and career success. To accomplish our vision we are proud to offer a strong curriculum, technology-infused instruction, and a variety of course offerings. We currently offer approximately 170 courses to meet the diverse learning and career needs of all students.
The curriculum includes numerous advanced placement (AP) offerings and a rich assortment of challenging courses in the career and technical education areas including Project Lead The Way engineering curriculum (4 courses). We also offer specialized programming with three college credit concurrent enrollment courses offered on our campus in a partnership with UW-Marshfield-Wood County. Our world language department offers three languages (French, German, and Spanish).
The fine arts are also a strong part of the curriculum at LHS. Students can choose from a variety of courses in the visual arts, music, and theatre/drama areas. Students from these three areas often compete on state and national levels to gain recognition for their efforts, accomplishments, and areas of expertise. Our students perform in an 833 seat, state of the art Performing Arts Center (PAC).
Lincoln High School also has a strong tradition of high-quality extra-curricular programs. Students have an opportunity to become involved in 21 interscholastic sports, along with more than 50 activities and clubs. For the third year, we have been recognized as a WIAA Award of Excellence Recipient. We are one of only 20 high schools in the state recognized for this honor this year.
LHS students have earned a high degree of respect for honors earned in regional, state and national competition. For the third year in a row, we were recognized as a top 30% high school by US News & World Report.
As we work with our community on preparing our students for future success, we have launched our Rapids P.R.I.D.E. initiative. As we show our Rapids Pride we are ensuring that all students graduating from LHS possess the social and emotional skills necessary for a successful future.