Go to this site and try the following problem solving activity: ?4 in a Line?.
Decimals and fraction fun
Figure This! demonstrates challenging middle school mathematics and emphasizes the importance of high-quality math education for all students. Funding for the project was provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Education. An assortment of mathematical challenges based on real life situations for the whole family.
A fun math related game is available every day at Cyberchase. Use the show to reinforce a concept taught in class. Pump up the math skills and have a little fun at the same time. Take the poll (and have students apply their knowledge of graphs) or have a peek at the next day's show.
Ask Dr. Math is a question and answer service for math students and their teachers. A searchable archive is available by level and topic, as well as summaries of Frequently Asked Questions.
Students submit questions to Dr. Math by filling out a web form. Answers are sent back by e-mail, and we then gather the best questions and answers into a searchable archive organized by grade level (elementary, middle school, high school) and topic (exponents, infinity, polynomials, etc.).
Funbrain.com is the home to interactive, educational games for kids. Games include Math Baseball, Fun Match, Change Maker, Spell Check, and Wacky Tales
Spanning the entire K-12 range and tied to Math Standards, this great resource includes:
1) i-Maths: online, interactive, multimedia math investigations. All i-Maths are built around interactive math applets, and some also include video clips.
2) Internet-Based Lesson Plans: examples of how the Internet can be used to help create effective Standards-based mathematics lessons.
3) Math-lets: math applets you can download and use to explore math and create interactive lessons on your own.
4) Inquiry on Practice: video vignettes, research reports, and articles designed to encourage thinking and discussion about how to improve the teaching and learning.
5) Selected Web Resources: use the dynamic table to selectively search over 1040 carefully reviewed resources.
Test your fraction knowledge with Fraction Monkeys!
Requires Java. StudyStack helps people memorize information about various subjects. StudyStack displays a stack of "virtual cards" which contain information about a certain subject. Like flashcards, you can review the information at your own pace discarding the cards you've learned and keeping the ones you still need to review. Unlike traditional flash cards, each card can show multiple pieces of information; and the whole stack can be automatically sorted by any one of the pieces of information. Also, when you enter the data for a studystack, the same data can automatically be displayed as flashcards, a matching game, a word search puzzle, and a hangman game. You can also create your own or finish an unfinished stack. StudyStack.com is a hobby of John Weidner
Get a digit workout by checking out this math website. How skilled are you?
Created by a teacher, online games review counting, addition, subtraction, and money.
MrNussbaum.com was developed with the idea that crucial concepts, themes, ideas, and fact sets taught in the classroom can be enhanced over the internet through interactivity. MrNussbaum.com offers dozens of interactive games specifically designed to pinpoint one or several essential concepts taught in elementary years, and dozens of research themes designed to make the process of gathering information interactive and enjoyable.
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