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Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools

Grant Elementary

Physical Education is FUN!

Grant 2nd grade students have a blast during physical education with Mr. Wolding.  2022-23 School Year

Creative 3rd Graders

Students in Mrs. Klingforth's 3rd grade classroom get very creative with their Valentine's Day boxes.  2022-23 School Year

Building Birdhouses

Fifth grade students get creative by building birdhouses.  2022-23 School Year


Grant 3rd grade students enjoy an apple with their lunch for 2023-2024 Great APPLE CRUNCH Day!!

Fun in the Grant School Forest

Having fun in the Grant School Forest!

Dress as your Favorite Book Author/Character

School Spirit!  Mrs. Peters and some of her 4th grade students dressed as their favorite Author or book character.  So much creativity.  

Sand Valley Golf Course

Grant 5th grade students get to experience the Sand Valley golf course during a phy ed field trip.  2022-23 School Year

Little Grizzlies Make Pizza

Grant Kindergarten students took a field trip to Polito's Pizza and got to experience making their very own pizza!  2022-23 School Year

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