1. The GATES Coordinator will notify parents, teachers, administrators, and school counselors of the assessment and evaluation results.
2. If a student is determined to be gifted intellectually or academically, and s/he is not receiving interventions, or if the interventions are not adequately meeting student needs, a Student Intervention Team (SIT) meeting will be scheduled. The team may consist of the GATES Coordinator, classroom teacher(s), parents, counselor, administrator, student and others. This team will review data and collaborate to create an intervention plan to meet the student needs. Subsequent meetings will be scheduled to review student progress and make adjustments to the plan as needed.
3. If a student is determined to be gifted in the areas of creativity, leadership or visual/performing arts, the GATES Coordinator will communicate with classroom teacher(s), parents, counselor, administrator, student and others on how to best meet the student needs, and if necessary, hold a SIT meeting. The GATES Coordinator will also provide opportunities of growth and learning for these areas of giftedness beyond the classroom as requested.