Below are some questions to ask yourself as a parent/guardian of a gifted child in order to remind yourself what the most important principles for promoting a child's giftedness at home. This list is not all inclusive, nor does it have a "passing" score; however, it should serve as a guideline to having an understanding of what a gifted child may need from you.
1. Do you answer your child's questions with patience and good humor?
2. Do you take advantage of your child's questions and expressions of interest to guide him/her into further learning and explorations?
3. Do you help your child to get along with children of all levels of intelligence?
4. Do you set reasonable standards of behavior for your child and then see that s/he meets them?
5. Do you compliment your child on something specific when s/he shares his/her work? (general compliments can mean little to gifted children)
6. Do you participate in some of your child's activities?
7. Do you help your child make his/her own plans and decisions?
8. Do you teach your child to use his/her gifts for the benefit of society? (help them see they have a place and "belong" to the grand scheme of life)
9. Do you encourage your child to set high goals?
10. Do you try to speak as correctly as you want your child to do? (avoiding talking to your child as an adult or talking down to your child)