Our mission is to provide a quality education for each and every student. To that end, the District is committed to a continual process of curriculum review and improvement. In addition, there is a strong tradition of professional learning for staff to support instruction in the classroom.
Our teachers collaborate within Professional Learning Communities, using real time data to determine the needs of our students. Conversations and actions revolve around what students need to know, how teachers know that students have grasped the concept and what to do if students are not understanding or if they have already met the benchmark for that particular learning target.
As we look to the future, we realize that teaching and learning are never static, and must continually improve to meet new goals. Our graduates will need the knowledge and skills to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, innovators and effective communicators. With collaboration from parents, students, educators and the community, we look forward to the challenge.
Curriculum Department Framework - 2024-26